Darude> Locks are meant for what? to make sure that they won't get out ... get a big Samsonite so they won't bang it with a knife and run away :D
Alexa> Well, what to do ... expect more if you will ask someone to go shopping and would be impatient enough to tour the whole shops for 2 or 3 hours :)
Corne> No need for 100 meters ... go 1000 meters, you know that i still can get you from that distance :) No one is safe, got my guards to get you even if you were in the other side of the moon :)
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Darude> Locks are meant for what? to make sure that they won't get out ... get a big Samsonite so they won't bang it with a knife and run away :D
Alexa> Well, what to do ... expect more if you will ask someone to go shopping and would be impatient enough to tour the whole shops for 2 or 3 hours :)
Corne> No need for 100 meters ... go 1000 meters, you know that i still can get you from that distance :) No one is safe, got my guards to get you even if you were in the other side of the moon :)
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)