Be ready to give all your earnings as fine when you go back to your home country, you should get the RP within 3 months from the time of entry in Qatar. How did you manage to get a job without an RP? y didn't your employer ask about ur RP?
Try not to get into trouble, meet your company's mandoup and sponsor, tell them the issue asap.
If the case is that you took a free visa, which is illegal, you are really ****ed up.
Be ready to give all your earnings as fine when you go back to your home country, you should get the RP within 3 months from the time of entry in Qatar. How did you manage to get a job without an RP? y didn't your employer ask about ur RP?
Try not to get into trouble, meet your company's mandoup and sponsor, tell them the issue asap.
If the case is that you took a free visa, which is illegal, you are really ****ed up.