Although it a very old joke, but I know few cases in back home where illiterate (poor) people has become rich by selling vegetables and fruits on the streets !!

One person in my area who started a small cart of vegetable some 15 years back, last year when i was there, he was still using the same cart for selling the vegetable, guess what he owns 12 loading pickups, he has 39 carts spread in different parts of the city, tow houses and a new model car in his village which is very far from my city (27 hrs to reach by road) and has 40 employees as drivers and vegetable sellers (drivers collects the fresh vegetables from the wholesale market early morning say around 3am and by 5am they deliver it to all the carts around the city) once the public is out … his fresh vegetable are on the display on almost double price ...

But it took around 15 years of hard work for him to reach this position, this story he told me in secret since I helped him that time to get a place to sell vegetable in my area.

I asked him why he doesn’t get a decent shop and sell the items in more organized and professional way, he replied with a smile, if I do that people will ask for bargain in price, police, municipality, income tax, chamber of commerce and economy will ask for money, then the shop rent and other expenses etc...

This way people still think he is poor and many people don't even bother to take back the little change and give it as a tip which is an extra income) so the life is going on and his bank balance is shooting day by day!!

So moral of the story, you should have a smart mind and ready to work hard !!
