Israeli and palestinian kids playing together.

Palestnian: Your FFFFF father killed my father
Israeli: Your MMMMMFFFFF grandfather blew my mom away

Seriously It still has a long way to go before palestinians and Israeli kids will be studying in the same school.

But what should we do with the millions of palestinian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. They want their lands back and the Israelis want land to build new housing units. I guess we should throw the refugees in the Dead Sea but the problem is no one drowns in the Dead Sea. It is too salty.

I say we nuke both palestine and israel and get over this mess. And let animals roam the nuked area. atleast the animals will live peacefully.

Anyways the time for this program is up. For the rest of your questions send Molvi KnoxCollege an email. Good Bye. Get this mic off me.
(Alexa you should visit Tel Aviv, the night life is awesome there)