the problem is that they do not want land...they both have land..I think Palestine has even more land as for now than Israel,... what stops palestinians from building their own plants, farms, infrastructure, schools, universities.. what stops them from creating job places and developing their own economy? they are getting billions and billions of dollars from USA, Europe and even from Israel. Where all this money goes to?
and i totally agree that they both have to stop looking back at history(Btw, historically jews and arabs lived together in peace for hundreds and hundreds years, and the land of Palestine equally belongs to both these nations). And they have to start learning to co-exist together! To find the way to survive, not to kill each other!there is no any other way for both of them! And instead of putting in their kids’ mind “WE WILL KILL ALL OF THEM” and “ we won’t stop fighting to the end”, they have to put in their kids’ mind: “WE WILL LIVE TOGETHER IN PEACE”, and “We will put our efforts and assets into matter of making our lives better!”.. for KIDS sake!
Whatever Makes You Happy...