Mom, firstly, the programm you have mentioned is only for small towns and has been rejected in Germany. Historically Germany had the give way to the right law many years ago, since its removal over 75% of accidents at junctions have been removed...........go and drive in Belgium and see how many acciedents yoy see at junctions because of this law, they are everywhere.
I live in Germany and for you information the German Autobahns are the safest roads in Germany, with less accidents, deaths, injuries than any other type of road with speed retrictions. PS the German autobans are the most used roads in Germany
Mom, firstly, the programm you have mentioned is only for small towns and has been rejected in Germany. Historically Germany had the give way to the right law many years ago, since its removal over 75% of accidents at junctions have been removed...........go and drive in Belgium and see how many acciedents yoy see at junctions because of this law, they are everywhere.
I live in Germany and for you information the German Autobahns are the safest roads in Germany, with less accidents, deaths, injuries than any other type of road with speed retrictions. PS the German autobans are the most used roads in Germany