I travelled with my kids every summer. Shouldn't be a major problem. However make sure to have your baby wear bib all the time. It is very difficult to change a baby in the plane. Also I would advise to take extra bottles, as you will not be able to wash them properly during flight or in the airport. I would suggest to have cotton balls, warm water in the unbreakable stain steel thermos and a baby cream to change your child's diaper. There is no guarantee that you will be getting warm water and baby wipes are always cold.
QA allows stroller up to the plane, so don't worry about it. The bassinet is comfortable, but it's better to have your own small pillow and cover.
Take ear plugs for yourself, as there might be a lot of crying. Babies generally don't like planes.
The most important thing is to be very calm. Once you get nervous and fed up, things will get worse.

Have a nice trip