All these FAKE products coming out of china may look good and work for some time but you will definitely lose money as soon as you open the package. And you can buy these products in china from street vendors.
Note: Fake chinese products with no brandname carry no warranty and neither do people who vouch for another person's honestly specially when they have never have had any financial dealings with that person. Once the money leaves your pocket, its gone for good.
"Appearances can be deceptive, all that glitters is not gold"
All these FAKE products coming out of china may look good and work for some time but you will definitely lose money as soon as you open the package. And you can buy these products in china from street vendors.
Note: Fake chinese products with no brandname carry no warranty and neither do people who vouch for another person's honestly specially when they have never have had any financial dealings with that person. Once the money leaves your pocket, its gone for good.
"Appearances can be deceptive, all that glitters is not gold"