I do all my job in between of two posts...
Usually 8-12 windows are open on my comp at the same time.
I type the official letter with my right hand, and type one post to QL with my left hand.
Then I read another post on QL with my right eye, and check the letter I just typed with my left eye..
then I talk over the phone and type next post to QL at the same moment
then my mobile is ringing, i catch it in between my shoulder and head, put the land line on hold, speak on mobile and type the next post to QL....and so on..
by the end of the day 100 posts are made, 100 phone calls are answered, 10 letters are prepared, 10 problems are solved.. and I am tired but fully satisfited go home/gym...
try do it the same way.. you will see it works...
Whatever Makes You Happy...