Oh I can speak Sheep...baaa baa baba...it's easy :D
Screw medicine, I'm going to become a relationship counselor:

Man: Doctor Corne, my sheep runs away from me everytime I try to touch her!
Sheep: well that's cause he doesn't treat me like I should be treated, it's like I'm just another sheep to him!
Man: That's not true, I love u and the way ur wool feels against, I've never felt this warm
Sheep: Yeah well why haven't u ever told me that before??
Man: Because...because...I was scared u wouldn't accept me for not being a sheep.
Sheep: I love u and accept u the way u are.

Sheep kisses the man, and they lived happily ever after.

That was so disturbing yet so funny to me! hahaha, sorry guys.

I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield