Modi's political camapign has been to divide the voters on the basis of their religious inclination. He should have never been allowed to stand in the elections let alone campaign. It was during his reign that more than 2000 people mostly muslims were killed. Allowing him to be re-elected would be like once again bring back the memory of the massacre of innocent people.
Lets for a moment leave aside who suffered the heaviest casualties, lets just remember that more than 2000 people were killed during Modi's Government and he didnt do anything to stop the bloodshed.
To me and to the others who lost their loved ones he is a mass murderer and as long as he stays in power, he will be rubbing salt in the wounds of the people.
In his political campaign he has been bragging about his extra judicial killings of muslims. He is the one who has been trying to incite and provoke people. I wonder what will happen when he comes to power again.
(For The Record I have never met anyone from Gujrat and neither do I know anyone from Gujrat)