hmmm... I don't even want to comment too much about some of the above written... then
its quiet ignorant in some cases and proves that the authors have not much in-depth knowledge
about computers at all.
Why Mac people cheat less ? Because in general you don't have too.
Most free applications that come with the Mac work just fine for smaller daily things...
The professional counterparts do not cost as much as on a PC (exception like CAD app's exists of corse).
If you can buy a family pack of a Mac OS for less then a single seat on a PC, then why not be honest ?
Bill Gates & Co practically force people to cheat... with their price politics on real mass market products.
The funny part here is, that apple and their apps are niche products from a qtty point of view.
And can anybody tell me what you can't do on a Mac ? Except maybe marveling t blue screens ?
Just a small example, the entire Turino 2006 winter olympics asset tracking, of all av equipment where handled by apple computers (MiniMacs, iMacs, PowerBooks), including wireless barcode readers over Wifi
All the Asian Games asset tracking for all look and branding items where done on a similar system.
Most of the Asian Games branding design was done on Apples too... plus a good portion of engineering etc.
So please don't tell me a apple is limited !
But there is a flip side to every story... techno geeks are frustrated with Mac's, since you can hardly use
and workshop tools on a Mac and there is nothing to configure on the hardware side... frustrating eh, if a computer just keeps working ?
hmmm... I don't even want to comment too much about some of the above written... then
its quiet ignorant in some cases and proves that the authors have not much in-depth knowledge
about computers at all.
Why Mac people cheat less ? Because in general you don't have too.
Most free applications that come with the Mac work just fine for smaller daily things...
The professional counterparts do not cost as much as on a PC (exception like CAD app's exists of corse).
If you can buy a family pack of a Mac OS for less then a single seat on a PC, then why not be honest ?
Bill Gates & Co practically force people to cheat... with their price politics on real mass market products.
The funny part here is, that apple and their apps are niche products from a qtty point of view.
And can anybody tell me what you can't do on a Mac ? Except maybe marveling t blue screens ?
Just a small example, the entire Turino 2006 winter olympics asset tracking, of all av equipment where handled by apple computers (MiniMacs, iMacs, PowerBooks), including wireless barcode readers over Wifi
All the Asian Games asset tracking for all look and branding items where done on a similar system.
Most of the Asian Games branding design was done on Apples too... plus a good portion of engineering etc.
So please don't tell me a apple is limited !
But there is a flip side to every story... techno geeks are frustrated with Mac's, since you can hardly use
and workshop tools on a Mac and there is nothing to configure on the hardware side... frustrating eh, if a computer just keeps working ?