are the one that says you know, I dont assume you dont Know..........I know you dont. You take all your knowledge from articles and TV, as we all know these information sources are not always non-bias, in most case they are bias to one side or are written in a bias manner....This is the nature of jounalism........information is written in adherence to the views of who ever owns the information medium ( Rupert Murdoch etc).

As for your age, that has never been a criteria for the gathering of knowledge, it only restricts the amount of real experiences one has gained in life but then thats not anybody's fault.
The world is about real experiences not about reading about them, that gives a basic knowledge but not the true live reality that is out there.
People should stick to things they really know about when saying they do, not about things they read about and then say they know. Too many people come and write about things they have no real knowledge about, whether it be religion, war, death, killings, they come with their limited knowledge and then tell everybody that they know better.
Live isnt in a book or articles, its out their in the real world, the books may give you the theory but its doesnt give your reality....