From the earliest recorded history, warring tribes have been trying to wipe each other out.

There are many holocausts that do not get as much attention as The Third Reich's Final Solution....for instance almost double the number of Ukrainians were killed in world war 2, and its hardly a historical footnote....VERY few non Armenians know about the Turkish Holocaust that targeted them, etc...etc...

Yes, these are all historic events, and they all happened....but of course they do not all receive the same amount of attention from our collective conciousness because those who control the media can emphaize the ones they choose and sweep others under the rug.

Well this thread is constantly morphing as new topics come up, but at least we can say that holocausts relate to the original topic of honor killings by highlighting human cruelty and babarism but on a grander scale!

In the end, there cannot be peace while there is injustice in the world, and we have divisions (wether they be religious, national, whatever) and groups seeking to control the resources and lives of others....we are such an insignificant speck in the universe and yet we are constantly flirting with our own self annihilation (as more wonerous and advanced technology gets channel to our favorite passtime...war!).

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?