Cant believe you are saying this, but what the heck.

If the world acted on your advice, we would never be able to live peacefully and muslims would be killing non-muslims and vice-versa.
It is people like you who incite the young minds. Today its me and Frog, tomorrow it will be someone else. Maybe DaRuDe :)
What will you do? Why just QL, lets divide the whole world into two parts, and let them fight till one is annihilated. Why not live peacefully? Why insult others? What do we get by insulting others? some feeling of pride? If thats what you desire then I am ready to present myself as the scapegoat.
There are millions of non-muslims living in the muslim world. and there are millions of muslims living in the non-muslim world. If they can live together without killing each other then why cant we. If we only try we can all live peacefully and if we desire.
As for who brought it, it was Frog_ who gave life to the topic. By the way I have never read that post of Gypsy.