Temptation is one thing, actually going ahead with the affair is another. Everyone gets tempted...but that's where our self-control comes into play. Are men (or women for that matter) that weak that they would give in to temptation that easily and throw out all the hard work they put into a relationship ?
So if ur saying that men do inevitably stray, then why commit in the first place ?
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Temptation is one thing, actually going ahead with the affair is another. Everyone gets tempted...but that's where our self-control comes into play. Are men (or women for that matter) that weak that they would give in to temptation that easily and throw out all the hard work they put into a relationship ?
So if ur saying that men do inevitably stray, then why commit in the first place ?
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield