What i feel these days is ... these new names are not just only newbies or new users. How come that someone who will join the website or the community few hours or 2 days consider this website a dating website not unless he/she knows somehow about the gatherings [not if they did not participate in those and know people here] and coem under those new names to bash some people, nationalities or religions in the name of being newbies while their purpose is far mean.

They just do that to make people fight, hate each other which eventually makes them happy as they can't participate in those gatherings anymore or be part of the community the same way they did before.

There is no passing day that i won't open QL to find someone trying to say something unfair under the generalization [about Filipinas] through opening meaningless, mean, racist, none sense threads and this one is not an exception.

I don't want to point at some people but this game is so obvious and becomes really a great source for annoying people and bother them. Something is really wrong happening these days and it reached such an unacceptable levels that something should be done to stop it. No one can close his/her eyes anymore and say ... it is ok and it is a general forum ... even in general forums ... there is some acceptable levels and there are some red lines that people should not crossed in the name of freedom of speech ...

Best Regards

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)