ok,i never lost someone because he died,so im sure i cant really imagine how it feels.i just can talk about broken friendships/relations.in that issue im am expert.:-( first time is verry hard but then when my mind is clear again i say to myself i can be happy because i shared a time of my life with him/her and my memories will always live.maybe she/he is no longer a part of my life now but i remember the time we had and as i told before,life goes on and brings other peoples into it.some may say how can i talk like this when you loose one of your family members but we have to accept our time on earth is limited and we cant make to stay someone forever,as much as we want or wish,we cant.
ok,i never lost someone because he died,so im sure i cant really imagine how it feels.i just can talk about broken friendships/relations.in that issue im am expert.:-( first time is verry hard but then when my mind is clear again i say to myself i can be happy because i shared a time of my life with him/her and my memories will always live.maybe she/he is no longer a part of my life now but i remember the time we had and as i told before,life goes on and brings other peoples into it.some may say how can i talk like this when you loose one of your family members but we have to accept our time on earth is limited and we cant make to stay someone forever,as much as we want or wish,we cant.