fishermanalex in order to avoid being scammed or being subject to a fraud never deal with people from outside Qatar.
Experience and some comments from other users in other forums has proved that usually these "serious & well established" companies are just fake companies and they will for sure ask you to send the money first and they will send the item imediately through trustable courier. But once the money reaches the "seller" they stopp answering the phone, they stop answering emails and of course you will loose your money.
Please do not do it...and if you still need a second opinion take a look here
fishermanalex in order to avoid being scammed or being subject to a fraud never deal with people from outside Qatar.
Experience and some comments from other users in other forums has proved that usually these "serious & well established" companies are just fake companies and they will for sure ask you to send the money first and they will send the item imediately through trustable courier. But once the money reaches the "seller" they stopp answering the phone, they stop answering emails and of course you will loose your money.
Please do not do it...and if you still need a second opinion take a look here