Roman Catholic church
go to the airport
take a flight direct to Rome
from the airport take a bus to 'St Pauls Square'
(FYI - it is actually an independent state called 'The Vatican' - which is unique as in having no residence females which explains the poncy looking swiss guards)
Walk along the Square and there is a very big RC church called St Pauls.
You may one to take some bread crusts to feed the pigeons ...
afterwards may I suggest partaking of a wonderful Italian 'gelato'
Roman Catholic church
go to the airport
take a flight direct to Rome
from the airport take a bus to 'St Pauls Square'
(FYI - it is actually an independent state called 'The Vatican' - which is unique as in having no residence females which explains the poncy looking swiss guards)
Walk along the Square and there is a very big RC church called St Pauls.
You may one to take some bread crusts to feed the pigeons ...
afterwards may I suggest partaking of a wonderful Italian 'gelato'
I hope this was helpful