If its small amount you may can pay in lump sum. If not speak to the Credit & collection department of that particular bank & say that you’re currently working in Qatar. (You may have to send the Appointment letter). That you’re looking at option of settling the same and ask how to go about it. or you can speak to the local bank here in Qatar and issue a Standing order to transfer cash every month to your respective bank in UAE.
If you do not wish bank to know that you’re working here in Qatar. You can ask one of your relative or a friend (whom you can trust) to deposit on behalf of you to Credit Card account. You can remit cash every month to your friend in UAE
If its small amount you may can pay in lump sum. If not speak to the Credit & collection department of that particular bank & say that you’re currently working in Qatar. (You may have to send the Appointment letter). That you’re looking at option of settling the same and ask how to go about it. or you can speak to the local bank here in Qatar and issue a Standing order to transfer cash every month to your respective bank in UAE.
If you do not wish bank to know that you’re working here in Qatar. You can ask one of your relative or a friend (whom you can trust) to deposit on behalf of you to Credit Card account. You can remit cash every month to your friend in UAE