Cherukkan, I probably no for sure I know better Arabic then you and yes I have read the Quran, several times and I challenge you to tell me in which verse does it say that alcohol is haram! In one verse it says (an early sourate at the beginning of Islam) do not pray while you are drunk and in another one it say that it is an evil thing (not the right translation but in Arabic: rijs min al shaitan) so AVOID IT and in a third verse it says in alcohol (khamr) and…….. are some benefit virtues and malignant virtues but the malignant ones are greater so AVOID IT. That’s it, in three verses only is alcohol mentioned in the Quran and never is it stated that it is haram.
Biju Abraham, Qatar Airways used to allow their Muslim staff, pilots anyway to get liquor permits but I know that some time ago they stopped, I do not know if the reverted their decision though.