I dont know what coke costs in KSA, thats not what I mean. Brands that are licensed to be produced in KSA for sale in the region are obviously cheaper than brands that have to be imported from around the world. The issue being, only limited things are made in KSA and often they are just not the same/right anyway. The only thing I have found that I regularly buy that is cheaper here, is Olay, I've not checked where its coming from.

Amnesia, they just are not the same at all ... plus, you really don't get anywhere near the same ranges even for the same size stores (but that's a different matter). To be fair though, the new Villagio store is much better. Boot's is more, make up that costs 9.50 at home for example costs 12 here and most things are on that kinda ratio.

All the ranges in Debenhams are more, well Faith doesnt seem too much more but stuff like Coast, considerably more. The US stuff is a lot worse, quick silver etc? At least double what you will pay in the US or Australia. Touche Eclat - 20 at home 22 here.

Im used to a high paid lifestyle at home and I know for a fact that "my" lifestyle costs a lot more here than it did at home. That's not to say perhaps everyones lifestyle does but a city banker asked .. so I know he's gonna be on good money in England and hence he's asking the question from that perspective.