KS, I never said I sleep alot...I don't. What I said is that "I studied about dreams and sleep", as in I read books, went to lectures and took exams about this stuff. Sleep is extremely important both mentally and physically and alot of problems arise if a person has a sleep disorder, that's why we had to take a course about it. Very few doctors ask patients about their sleep and know very little about what actually goes on during sleep, when it's a very important factor.

Anyhow, back to the topic...dejavu's aren't some mysterious phenomenon, it's just our mind playing tricks on us. Dejavus happen when u have been in a similar situation before, but the memory of that previous situation gets mixed up with the present situation leading u to think "Ah I've seen this before, this has happened before", but it actually didn't. Again, the topic of memory is also another very interesting topic.

Sometimes we think memory never fails us, but it does and alot of people got sent to jail because of false memories. For instance, a child might say he remembers his uncle molesting him, that might not be true but when he's asked the same question over and over "did ur uncle touch u?" or when he's asked biased persuasive questions like "ur uncle touched u, didn't he?" He starts to believe that his uncle did touch him even though it never happened, and the innocent uncle gets sent to jail. Memory is a very tricky game.

I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield