Rent-2 bed = 5000
Schooling (Indian School) = 900
Electricity & Water = 150
Gas = 25
Landline/Mobile/Voip = 100
Internet = 250
Cable Tv = 00 (u can use triple offer landline/ineternet/cable in 250 QR only)
Car - loan repayment, insurance, petrol = 1500
Monthly Grocery= 1500
Medical Insurances = Normally provided by all companies (& if ur comp dont give, check if it's really worth!!)
Entertainment = U shudn't ask this qustion, Hw do any1 know ur liking of entertainment, I kept it 00 assuming u like inhouse entertainment only :)-
Miscl Exp / Other expenses i should consider = Your wish!!

Keep some money for deposits (returnable) for ekectricity water/ housing etc.
You can also save QR 500 against car loan if you take smaller car.
These figures stand good if you are coming here for saving Only; Double all these expenses if you want to enjoy luxury!!!