Yes, Alexa, there are many groups working against extremeism. religious groups, non-religious groups, both in 'Muslim' countries and non-Muslim countries.

With regards to being quiet, its always the way that fanatics have the loudest shout. But there are different ways that people the world over are trying to curb this fanaticism.

In many ways, it is successful. Many violent plots have been aborted, many fanatical clerics have lost their jobs. It is an ongoing battle.

I do think that every citizen of the world should play his/her part if they are against this extremeism. Everyone can at the very least join an organisation online and start making a contribution.

I would like to think that it was not only me who woke up this morning and did something to help this woman in jail. I penned a simple letter and sent it to the Sudanese Embassy. Less than half an hours work.

Many dripping taps make a river. _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...