correct me if i'm wrong, but hermaphrodites are not gay. they are hermaphrodites, and they have the option to be either one. should they choose to be male, then they will for sure attracted to female. Recently in a news a hermaphrodite 'changed' herself to be man in Bahrain, previously married to a man, and got divorced before the surgery.
anyway the problem is law of the land here says gay is wrong. Is that a violation of human right? i don't think so. It's no different than the law banning smoking in public places..
If there is really a need to do it, just do it hush hush.. or just quit smoking already (or quit being a gay)
correct me if i'm wrong, but hermaphrodites are not gay. they are hermaphrodites, and they have the option to be either one. should they choose to be male, then they will for sure attracted to female. Recently in a news a hermaphrodite 'changed' herself to be man in Bahrain, previously married to a man, and got divorced before the surgery.
anyway the problem is law of the land here says gay is wrong. Is that a violation of human right? i don't think so. It's no different than the law banning smoking in public places..
If there is really a need to do it, just do it hush hush.. or just quit smoking already (or quit being a gay)
Quoting from Ali G, RESTECP...