Dude you dont need a reason to work for 10 hours. You will need a reason to make the labourers work for more than 10 hours. Ever heard of over time?
When its in the law that people can work 10 hours so go ahead and exploit that law.
Once I was reading a law book, cant remember the name and in it was the best statement ever "The irony of laws is that it gives you a reason even when you dont have one"
So now to work for 10 hours you have the reason, gross loss and dangerous situation.
Dude you dont need a reason to work for 10 hours. You will need a reason to make the labourers work for more than 10 hours. Ever heard of over time?
When its in the law that people can work 10 hours so go ahead and exploit that law.
Once I was reading a law book, cant remember the name and in it was the best statement ever "The irony of laws is that it gives you a reason even when you dont have one"
So now to work for 10 hours you have the reason, gross loss and dangerous situation.