Bush will definitely start another War on Terror
The objective of the war on terror is not to win the war but to create a constant state of war. Once you create a constant state of war people will willingly give up their civil rights in order to feel protected that they dont wake up as dead bodies.
The war on terror has no end point. It will never end and is without any national boundaries and the whole globs itself is the battle field.
This is what Bush will do and is doing to legitimize his war on terror.
Afghanistan, Iran, Iran, Syria etc etc
I remember Bush's one mighty good statement
"Either you are with us or you are with them (the terrorists)"
Iran supports the shiites as no one else supports them. They dont support the Sunnis as everyone else supports the Sunnis.
Bush will definitely start another War on Terror
The objective of the war on terror is not to win the war but to create a constant state of war. Once you create a constant state of war people will willingly give up their civil rights in order to feel protected that they dont wake up as dead bodies.
The war on terror has no end point. It will never end and is without any national boundaries and the whole globs itself is the battle field.
This is what Bush will do and is doing to legitimize his war on terror.
Afghanistan, Iran, Iran, Syria etc etc
I remember Bush's one mighty good statement
"Either you are with us or you are with them (the terrorists)"
Iran supports the shiites as no one else supports them. They dont support the Sunnis as everyone else supports the Sunnis.