@pope, sorry for not replying sooner, just arrived in London.

I did not read about the Afghan 'discovery', but it'll only be a matter of time before company's come in to 'help'.

The funny thing when it comes to currency conversion is that time is money, however sometimes waiting is the better option.


1/ If there are possibilities that riyals will be revalued in coming months, will you consider putting your hard-earned (or easy-earned to some) salaries here, wait til revaluation and then transferred? (interest rates here are so low... Worth waiting?)

1. To be honest, I would. I'm sure alot of investors would do the same thing. In turn, investing the countries salary would boost it's value.

However invest it through something that you could actually get your money back with like real-estate.

2/ Is it likely to be one-off, or in stages (like China's 'yuan' which appreciates over 2 years)?

2. There are three aspects to look at when it comes to Qatar's currency. Investment, Unificiation of Gulf currency, and the peg.

3/ How much could Riyal be revalued? Will it likely be small, e.g. 1-2%? Or bigger?

3. I assume you mean in comparison the Dollar. I'd say it would be a considerable ammount. Mainly because leaving the dollar means that we'd have a stronger currency valued higher than a currency that is already decreasing. The percentage can be seen in the form of two people walking away from each other, the gap increases (the percentage).

If you want to be a sniper, do what red said and wait until there is more solid word and then snatch up your chance, but don't wait too long, I imagine things to shoot up fast once there is news.

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