he was my cousins best friend thats
how i have his information.
we were friends through family,
i was simply being understanding, knowing
what it feels like being away from your family
and your country as well as being an
arab in america.
as far as rape no matter what country your in
if you say no you dont want to and beg the other
person not to and to stop thats rape. no means no.
im not concerned about any money,
Im getting ready for med school
and i will work to provide for my son.
He will never need anything from that animal
or anyone for that matter.
as far as his family goes i just know that his
father is some big engineer guy they have some
large company i dont know the name, and his family
is well known.
hes concerned about his family name....he should of
thought of that before he chose to do what he did.
my only concern is my sons health.
yes your all right i should have this i
should have that. but i didnt.
after he raped me i came and told my mother right
away. her advice to me was to get over it
everything will be fine dont worry and just do
good in school. i couldnt miss any school
or lay around feeling bad or depressed for what i
had just experienced. leave everything in gods
hands and i would be okay.
yes it was very hard and continues till this day.
i never whish this upon anyone not even an enemy.
knowing that what was to be for my husband
was taken from me by an animal is the worse possible.
never once did it cross my mind that i could be
pregnant. i didnt think it was possible
since it only happened once.
when he found out he came and begged my mother
for forgiveness, i believed it i thought that maybe
he really didnt mean or that he was at least
truely sorry thats why i didnt tell the police.
i actually was and my mom said no forgive him
he should be with his child and god will help you.
do it for the child.
it has nothing to do with him being "qatari".
im not here speaking bad of qatar im simply
just here asking for help based on a situation
that came about of a person that just
so happens to be from qatar.
im not familiar with the qatari culture
so i thought i would get the best understanding
and advice here.
he was my cousins best friend thats
how i have his information.
we were friends through family,
i was simply being understanding, knowing
what it feels like being away from your family
and your country as well as being an
arab in america.
as far as rape no matter what country your in
if you say no you dont want to and beg the other
person not to and to stop thats rape. no means no.
im not concerned about any money,
Im getting ready for med school
and i will work to provide for my son.
He will never need anything from that animal
or anyone for that matter.
as far as his family goes i just know that his
father is some big engineer guy they have some
large company i dont know the name, and his family
is well known.
hes concerned about his family name....he should of
thought of that before he chose to do what he did.
my only concern is my sons health.
yes your all right i should have this i
should have that. but i didnt.
after he raped me i came and told my mother right
away. her advice to me was to get over it
everything will be fine dont worry and just do
good in school. i couldnt miss any school
or lay around feeling bad or depressed for what i
had just experienced. leave everything in gods
hands and i would be okay.
yes it was very hard and continues till this day.
i never whish this upon anyone not even an enemy.
knowing that what was to be for my husband
was taken from me by an animal is the worse possible.
never once did it cross my mind that i could be
pregnant. i didnt think it was possible
since it only happened once.
when he found out he came and begged my mother
for forgiveness, i believed it i thought that maybe
he really didnt mean or that he was at least
truely sorry thats why i didnt tell the police.
i actually was and my mom said no forgive him
he should be with his child and god will help you.
do it for the child.
it has nothing to do with him being "qatari".
im not here speaking bad of qatar im simply
just here asking for help based on a situation
that came about of a person that just
so happens to be from qatar.
im not familiar with the qatari culture
so i thought i would get the best understanding
and advice here.
thank you all very much for the advice.