From your ADSL modem, i.e. not the one supplied by QTEL which used to be a USB based one, go to the Vonage router first, then the PC, this makes sure the Vonage unit get's it's bandwidth first.
Go into your Vonage account online and uncheck the bandwidth saver to give max you can to your Vonage box.
Make sure you are using a decent phone cable between the Vonage box and your phone.
If there are 2 sockets on the back of your Vonage box make sure you are plugged into the right one.
Even the slowest ADSL service from QTEL is more than sufficient for Vonage.
If in doubt perform a reset of the Vonage box, instructions are on the website.
Mine works a treat and at around 60 QR per month for unlimited UK and Ireland calls that's great for me. My family only have to dial a local number which for them is free and they can call me anytime, they even use the free lcaol minutes on their mobiles to call.
Make sure you followed the instructions.
If I remeber from when i set mine up.
From your ADSL modem, i.e. not the one supplied by QTEL which used to be a USB based one, go to the Vonage router first, then the PC, this makes sure the Vonage unit get's it's bandwidth first.
Go into your Vonage account online and uncheck the bandwidth saver to give max you can to your Vonage box.
Make sure you are using a decent phone cable between the Vonage box and your phone.
If there are 2 sockets on the back of your Vonage box make sure you are plugged into the right one.
Even the slowest ADSL service from QTEL is more than sufficient for Vonage.
If in doubt perform a reset of the Vonage box, instructions are on the website.
Mine works a treat and at around 60 QR per month for unlimited UK and Ireland calls that's great for me. My family only have to dial a local number which for them is free and they can call me anytime, they even use the free lcaol minutes on their mobiles to call.