Yes I agree, but so do you. You only ever look at one side of an argument.
I have seen this youtube video and it's very good, very interesting, deserves to be watched. But there will also be videos showing a different set of facts from other points of view and giving other evidences.
I certainly don't believe all I see, hear and read in the media.Whether that be the BBC or Al Jazera as they all have their own agenda's, their own financial backers they have to please and their own propaganda machines.
It is the same with the Al Gore film...An Inconvenient Truth. An excellent film and I believed everything i was told in it....till I was persuaded by my son to watch The Great Global Warming Swindle....then I doubted the Al Gore film. We all have to make our own minds up about these things and no matter how much you try to shove things down our necks, we will all in the end have our own opinions. You seem to have your own beliefs which is your right, but you don't seem to like it if anyone disagrees with you as you have been force fed from birth and brain washed yourself. I am not saying you and your beliefs are one really knows the truth about anything, but I think for your own good you should open your mind and not see everything so black and white.
Yes I agree, but so do you. You only ever look at one side of an argument.
I have seen this youtube video and it's very good, very interesting, deserves to be watched. But there will also be videos showing a different set of facts from other points of view and giving other evidences.
I certainly don't believe all I see, hear and read in the media.Whether that be the BBC or Al Jazera as they all have their own agenda's, their own financial backers they have to please and their own propaganda machines.
It is the same with the Al Gore film...An Inconvenient Truth. An excellent film and I believed everything i was told in it....till I was persuaded by my son to watch The Great Global Warming Swindle....then I doubted the Al Gore film. We all have to make our own minds up about these things and no matter how much you try to shove things down our necks, we will all in the end have our own opinions. You seem to have your own beliefs which is your right, but you don't seem to like it if anyone disagrees with you as you have been force fed from birth and brain washed yourself. I am not saying you and your beliefs are one really knows the truth about anything, but I think for your own good you should open your mind and not see everything so black and white.