any female out alone or unaccompanied by a male is seen as fair game by many nationalities here.
doesn't matter what you are wearing or that you are in sports wear and carrying hand weights and obviously exercising.
this ranges from curb crawling to assault
If I walk in my local neighbourhood I can almost guarantee getting curb crawled.

all i can say is carry a mobile and pretend to be talking really loudly...YES JUST OUTSIDE...BLAH BLAH have a camera on it and be prepared to take a picture... I do this with curb crawlers...they scoot off without me having to say a thing.

I also believe in nipping things in the bud. Stop and ask what they want dont allow them to follow you... when you finally say no it may be too late. Dont ignore the first curb crawl /following- take a photo.

Your friend needs to get numbers of other folk where she lives whom she can call as she walks to her house and who can come and meet her at the entrance.

Some members feel that "i get my knickers in a twist' with my zero tolerance policy - first strike and you are out - no 'ignoring it and it will go away' - it doesn't that is seen as tacit acquiesence.

I lived here three years before I instituted it and I feel a lot less harrassed now....
Your friend is welcome to PM me if she wants to chat.

PS - one day I swear I am going to throw one of my hand weights thru a car window.

PPS - we also have some lovely gentlemen here who are brave and gallant like DaRuDe and Greeker and Ricard123 and MrP and SuperXPat
some of our friends are rather 'useful' and would make mincemeat out of any chap who did anything serious....which is reassuring.