its not a very wise thing to assume that simply bieng in an Muslim country means all is well and fine..
Muslim countries do not consist of angels, niether is populated by Prophet Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, and Abaraham!!!
Having said that, i totally sympathise with ur friend and would like 2 suggest she takes all the neccessary measures that any female on the planet takes when she feels threatened..
for example, getting herself a self defence weapon is always a good idea.
Screaming obviouslly ...
Not allowing the taxi to drop her 3 min from the compound, or anywhere else other than her compound...or wherever it is where she is going...
its not a very wise thing to assume that simply bieng in an Muslim country means all is well and fine..
Muslim countries do not consist of angels, niether is populated by Prophet Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, and Abaraham!!!
Having said that, i totally sympathise with ur friend and would like 2 suggest she takes all the neccessary measures that any female on the planet takes when she feels threatened..
for example, getting herself a self defence weapon is always a good idea.
Screaming obviouslly ...
Not allowing the taxi to drop her 3 min from the compound, or anywhere else other than her compound...or wherever it is where she is going...
Dressing modestly..
hope this helps
"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat