It depends on your skin type, but there are many advanced serums and lotions that can help with pigment control. Chemical peels also definitely help, for both pigmented and pitted scarring. Look for azelaic acid, kojic acid, and malic acid, among many others, to help with the lightening process. Depending on your ethnicity, you may be eligible to use hydroquinone, which is an amazing melanogenesis inhibitor (MMI), but that can cause irritation in darker-skinned populations.
If you are in desperate need, I have products available that will be with me when I return to Qatar in January. Sales would be processed through my husband, of course, to avoid any awkwardness. :) There are two products I have specifically targeted to hyperpigmentation and scarring, that break down the process at several points in the chain reaction (such as tyrosinase inhibitors and the like...not stuff that most people will know about, but still cool.) Otherwise, if you'd like local products, I can provide a more complete list of MMIs for you.
It depends on your skin type, but there are many advanced serums and lotions that can help with pigment control. Chemical peels also definitely help, for both pigmented and pitted scarring. Look for azelaic acid, kojic acid, and malic acid, among many others, to help with the lightening process. Depending on your ethnicity, you may be eligible to use hydroquinone, which is an amazing melanogenesis inhibitor (MMI), but that can cause irritation in darker-skinned populations.
If you are in desperate need, I have products available that will be with me when I return to Qatar in January. Sales would be processed through my husband, of course, to avoid any awkwardness. :) There are two products I have specifically targeted to hyperpigmentation and scarring, that break down the process at several points in the chain reaction (such as tyrosinase inhibitors and the like...not stuff that most people will know about, but still cool.) Otherwise, if you'd like local products, I can provide a more complete list of MMIs for you.
I can be reached at [email protected] .