I would like to thank you all for being always there for me as great friends. Being all over the world show you as most of the members here said how talented they are and how can they adjust to the new countries life whenever they go. Finding them everywhere and also you see the smile on their faces and the willing to help.

I do really appreciate my friendship with most of them and whenever I go to any place and find one. I always try to be a friend, exchanging music, talking about home, speaking few Tagalog which always amaze them [some will ask if I'm a Filipino and i would say Halo-Halo , my father is Palestinian and my mom is a Filipina :) j/k] and help with whatever i can. If someone was nice to you, why won't you do the same also and be nice too?

My best regards to all of my Filipino friends :)

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)