You will spend less money here on everyday living than you do in Germany. Its cheaper in the supermarket, The cars are cheaper, the gas is almost free.
1b> For renting a flat/villa thats a different story. The amount of available objects seem to be raising. But, by som strange factor so is the rents. The rents here as you alreade now is very high. But finding something should not be a problem. And dont try to fix ahead in Germany, forget it. Most things here is made available NOW, and meaning NOW. So, if a newbuilding is scheduled for completion, you will not see it advertised until its completded. But when you come here you talk to co workers and you will find something! Extra cost for living. That would be for electricity and water. Included in flats. Not more than 1000Qr for a small villa if you are average careful during the summer.
2. Biking No idea, listen to others. I will go playing icehockey when my equipment arrives. So, as you see most things is here, but you may have too look for it. But in the summer.... 50 deg/c.....
You will spend less money here on everyday living than you do in Germany. Its cheaper in the supermarket, The cars are cheaper, the gas is almost free.
1b> For renting a flat/villa thats a different story. The amount of available objects seem to be raising. But, by som strange factor so is the rents. The rents here as you alreade now is very high. But finding something should not be a problem. And dont try to fix ahead in Germany, forget it. Most things here is made available NOW, and meaning NOW. So, if a newbuilding is scheduled for completion, you will not see it advertised until its completded. But when you come here you talk to co workers and you will find something! Extra cost for living. That would be for electricity and water. Included in flats. Not more than 1000Qr for a small villa if you are average careful during the summer.
2. Biking No idea, listen to others. I will go playing icehockey when my equipment arrives. So, as you see most things is here, but you may have too look for it. But in the summer.... 50 deg/c.....
Hope you find Qatar nice.