It is located in Madinat Khalifa South , if you are coming from white palace intersection ( Hamad Hospital to your right hand) heading to Sports R/A , then go strait until you reach the trafic signal, then turn right and go straight and make a U/Turn at the coming R/A , then take 1st right (near the big white school) , you will find Al-Rayyah driving School there behind the big white School building.
It is located in Madinat Khalifa South , if you are coming from white palace intersection ( Hamad Hospital to your right hand) heading to Sports R/A , then go strait until you reach the trafic signal, then turn right and go straight and make a U/Turn at the coming R/A , then take 1st right (near the big white school) , you will find Al-Rayyah driving School there behind the big white School building.