Falling in love for the first time is the most beautiful, so innocent, so dare, so lovely but in the same time can be so painful if it was from one side. Let's not talk about the love from one side and let's talk about the love between two partners who are crazy about each other.

As most of you agreed, True Love or let's call it ... 'The First Love' in our life which is the one that we would never be able to forget or get over it. Time heals every wound, that is right ... But memories do open the old wounds and get it even worse spiced up with pain.

From my experience, I don't think that i can fall in love again the same way I'm now later on. I hate repeating myself again and again, love is no exception. Doing the same activities we did before, sharing the same emotions or feelings with someone else? It just can't be ... at least not me.

Every place that i would be going to with my new partner, everything we would do ... would always remind me with my 'First Love' when we were just exploring the world together ... going to new places and doing new things that we never did before. Doing that with another one would be boring, would be repeated, would not be genuine, would never make you feel the same way. It might let you feel even worse, i miss my old true love ...

You got some options:

1- let your old love hunt you forever and stay in your dark corner there alone doing what? Crying? Pitying yourself? Asking yourself silly questions such as: What just happened? Why did she left me? What went wrong? We were just fine? All of these thoughts would never end and take you anywhere and you can forever dream about those days and stay there.

2- Trying to erase that past, stand up for yourself and move on [easier said than done] and start a new chapter [with new relation or just forgetting about love and be on your own and that would be better] of your life that would be added to your life book. The book of life got everything, happiness, sadness, love, hate, etc ... We have just to read it from time to time to realize where we've been ... where are we now ... and where we might end up also ... Only the fool who come to read the whole book of his life and never learn something, technically we can't because the last chapter always end up with death where other people say their last words about us before ending that chapter.

Trying hard to forget, trying harder to accept ... no matter how hard we will try ... it is always difficult and almost impossible ... To forget the first one that you truly loved with all of your emotions

Best Regards

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)