I don't know why we're discussing law and prejudice? the perpetrators are not locals. The easiest procedure for the justice system here, is to deport them and have a fair trial held in their homeland.
Also bear in mind that this might be just a male colleague or subordinate disgracing their co-workers and slandering them by mentioning their full names and associating them with the most despicable crime known and committed by most ruthless monsters.
Or maybe I'm just desperately trying to lead myself away from the truth this post might be carrying. It is not like it is the first of its kind. Tragedies happen daily!
I don't know why we're discussing law and prejudice? the perpetrators are not locals. The easiest procedure for the justice system here, is to deport them and have a fair trial held in their homeland.
Also bear in mind that this might be just a male colleague or subordinate disgracing their co-workers and slandering them by mentioning their full names and associating them with the most despicable crime known and committed by most ruthless monsters.
Or maybe I'm just desperately trying to lead myself away from the truth this post might be carrying. It is not like it is the first of its kind. Tragedies happen daily!