I was really shocked reading this story :( I don' know really what to say because you let me speechless. The crime of those two is really unforgivable and they should be punished that the others would think thousands, millions of times before not even touching but think of but looking at those poor ladies :(

I'm not in a position to blame you for what happened, but you should had reported them from the first incident. They understood from you coming to the office like nothing happened that you would be always afraid to say anything or report them which gave them a reason to go further. Those two who are not human and are less than animals [sorry for that].

The raping experience is the worst ever experience that a woman can had in her life. it simply destroy your life and you need a lot to stand on your feet again or forget it :( Wish if I was just in my country, I would've taken my M-16 from there and shot those two like dogs [sorry again but my blood is boiling :(]

I'm asking god to revenge you and let you see those two suffering until the last day of their lives for what they did. I'm sorry sister but nothing can be done ... Check with your embassy and see what can they do .

Goodnight everyone :(

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)