Pretty confusing huh? you can elect at birth not to have your child immunised but this requires you to put forward a case to a social worker for the reasons you have chosen and believe me they have to be pretty strong and contain medical fact., not just you have read somewhere that certain groups they beleive now that immunization is the cause off ADD ECT ECT, and you are issued with a certificate of non immunization regarding this, i know of a couple who went through this process and beleive me its not easy. It is not law but is expected that children have all immunizations because it is free. Schools can refuse entry on the grounds that your child is not immunised and the reasoning for this is that they have to consider the well fare of other students as well as your child who through the fact is not immunised can infact become quite ill. From what the couple also told me should you child become ill from any of the deseases that can be immunised against then it is basically your resonsability and while there is a health care system that is free that this option is not available to you should this happen.(how true this is I do not know) Just a question are you an Australian Citizen living O/S or Applying for Australian citizenship? If applying for citizenship or wishing to work in Australia and sending your child to an australian school after living O/S then you will be required to have your child immunised.

P.S Oryx very very funny