I suggest you all read to the end as it is to be continued. I think it is a fantastic article but then I'm Muslim so I'm biased! I'm interested to read all your comments as it makes me THINK! I'm a convert and not brain washed since birth. I've been Christian, Athiest and Pagan and in my mind Islam is the truth and the only thing that makes sense. I sometimes think the reactions some of you give are maybe because the article is touching a nerve and you don't like it? Your emotional body is reacting to the truth you don't want to hear? I was the same when I first started reading about Islam. I had so many nagative messgaes from the media in my head about Islam I didn't want to like it! But when I took off my blinkers and opened my mind it made so much sense and to me seems the truth. OK I'll stop ranting now! And in the words of Dave Allan....If you have a God may he go with you:-)Salaams. Khadija. Allaahu Akbar