You can say that I am inflexible...and you MAY be right....but the fact you keep arguing would indicate that you are just as inflexible.

Wether you agree with it or not....there is no absolute truth of the divinity of the 10 commandements, otherwise no "leap of faith" is required....they are man made and this historic fact not twisting of anything...the fact you refuse to believe in history (well not just you but all religion) is an indication of how threatened by logic they are.

Salax reaping that there MUST be a god because we do not know all the answers is further proof of the fraily of the human psyche and its NEED for answers (even if later generations discard those is the case with most ancient mythologies for example).

1st, 2rd, or 3rd world countries....all have problems and none are perfect...but your insistance on being the judge of what IS a social disease is ludicrus because all cultures view things differently....example would be homosexuality and how it is condemed by all religions save ONE (ancient greek mythology)...and polygamy and how it is condemmed by all save ONE (a certain sect of Islam...because the other has "pleasure" marriages....basically religiously sanctioned sex for compensation) why discrad one and believe in the other? which divine laws will you choose to govern human interaction?

Clearly religion is a very poor way to govern interaction among people...and most of todays religions (as bigoted as they are) further reinforce the need to find a better way to get along.

Hopefully one day you will realize this...but of course you are free to believe in what you matter how illogical and controversial...and at the end of the day....i'm not even really trying to change YOUR is set...just as mine is...what I am doing is offering the "other side of the coin" to anyone who reads the thread...and they can make up their own minds.

Lastly, so sorry to have moved so far off topic Gypsy.

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?