The holy books copied HIS laws...that's right, your precious ten commandements....your so called divine parameters....all man made...and THAT is historical FACT....which you for some reason or another refuse to come to grips with.

As for comparisons, I say again its impossible to compare when:
a) your very definition of social disease is in question and
b) you want to compare countries that have accurate statistics with those that do not.

THAT is why your comparison is not feasible.

Lastly, third world mentalities, not to be confused with physical locations (and I do apologize I should have made THAT clearer...I thought it went without saying, but technically you are correct linguistically at least).... ie backward ones...can be loosely defined as ones that have refused to evolve (hence are backward looking)...example would you your failure to realize that humans (both male and female)are not made to either screw or be screwed....which is why humans have NO MAITING SEASON.

Stay safe.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?