Forget the dollar save yourself, Anyways the Honorable Minister for Finane and Economy has repeatedly said that they will not depeg the riyal from the Dollar.
And on the other hand the Honorable energy Minister wants the oil price to cross the 100 dollar psychological limit. The 100 dollar price might be great for the OPEC but have they thought what will happen to the other countries? Even in Qatar the prices of the commodities will sky rocket and once the oil crosses the 100$ barrier then there will be no stopping to it.
Forget the dollar save yourself, Anyways the Honorable Minister for Finane and Economy has repeatedly said that they will not depeg the riyal from the Dollar.
And on the other hand the Honorable energy Minister wants the oil price to cross the 100 dollar psychological limit. The 100 dollar price might be great for the OPEC but have they thought what will happen to the other countries? Even in Qatar the prices of the commodities will sky rocket and once the oil crosses the 100$ barrier then there will be no stopping to it.
I wonder who are the advisors