Choice? Does anyone seriously think that homosexuals choose to be gay? That they would honestly choose to live a life of oppresion where they are despised by people like Salax?

Regardless of what you may think about the rights and wrongs of homosexuality, logic would clearly reveal that it isn't a choice. It would be like saying that people chose to suffer from autism, for instance. No one would choose to live a life where they are denied equal legal rights, denied the opportunity to love without hesitation, or be excluded from so many social, religious and political organisations.

I don't know what causes it (nature/nuture etc) but it can't possibly be a free choice.

I also agree that it isn't "normal", in the sense that it only occurs in a small proportion of people. And by that reasoning, cancer isn't "normal", blue eyes aren't "normal" and left handed people aren't "normal". But what they are is NATURAL. It is part of nature, it always will be.