They may not explicitly say: go and kill all others who do not believe like you....but they do say (in their won words): OURS is the ONLY way to salvation, and all those who do not accept OUR ways/prophets/beliefs etc... have rejected the "truth" and will burn in eternal they not?

And wether I believe or not is irrelevant...I can hate bigotry even if its not directy at me....example I may not be black, but I am still against apartheid!

Religion's MAIN goal is not to divide...but it is an unfortunate side effect of trying to offer salvation...after all, if your religion claims that all paths will lead to salvation, what's the incentive to choose that particular religion. In their very nature religions are closeminded and divides into "true believers" and "non believers".

So instead of looking for and at what is different about each other....we should be searching for what unites us...sorry but Religion is just not one of them.

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?