Rainbow, your beleive and strength in it is to be praised and admired but you are at the begining of your journey in the collection of knowledge and wisdom. To learn one must have open ears, to listen, to understand this does not mean you have to accept but you must be able to hear what otjhers say. Do not go the way of confrontation, go the way of tolerance and understanding, ask questions, seek answers for what is different to what you beleive, be a searcher of knowledge and truth.
You are of course bewildered why PM has a different way to look at Islam than you but before you harshly critise firstly find out why PM is different and what her thoughts are, by doing this you will be richer in knowledge.
Our life is a permenant learning process, to learn you must first listen and ask, do not accept all you hear but at least hear it first.
PM please be patient, show your true wisdom, try to make Rainbow see you view rather than just your anger.